It was a beautiful day for baseball as Bracknell Inferno kicked off their AAA campaign at home to the Cardiff Merlins.
Defensive highlights were abound in the day's opener where a pitchers duel kept the score to 3-1 in Cardiff's favour heading into the 6th inning. Huxley held the Merlins bats scoreless in the 6th and 7th, allowing the mighty Inferno to tie the game and send it to extras. Unfortunately, Bracknell's flame was extinguished with the game ending 5-4 after 8 innings.
A well pitched complete game by Huxley and great defence throughout, the team can hold their heads high despite this loss.
In a U-turn performance, the defence struggled in the second game of the season, commiting 6 errors total, but the team made up for it scoring 12 runs on the way to Collins earning his first pitching win of the season.
The two games go to show that if Inferno can consistently give their best on offence and defence every game, it should be a strong season 🔥